During the month of February, the CHANCE Girls Home collected donations and made purchases using grant funds through their Teen Outreach Program (TOP) with Oasis. These items were utilized to create care bags for children undergoing cancer treatments and hygiene bags for their families to utilize during unexpected overnight stays at the hospital.
On March 15, 2024, CHANCE Girls Home hosted a celebration of the event which included two guest speakers from the Cookeville Regional Cancer Center: Kalee Baldwin, a Chemo Nurse, and Rachel Pennycuff, a Radiation Nurse. Each nurse addressed the residents, discussing their careers and the educational steps required to work in their respective fields. The residents were then pleasantly surprised by a third guest speaker, eight-year-old Charlee Sue Everett, who chose to share her journey with the residents and express her gratitude for their assistance in making bags for other kids.
The residents had the opportunity to present 12 large care bags and 35 hygiene bags to Charlee Sue and her family, which were subsequently delivered to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital.
The team at CHANCE extends their gratitude to all UCHRA and UCDD staff for their participation and support in this project.